Friday, June 6, 2008


During service learning I'v experienced alot. The three most exciting moments was filming with my group, joting down notes with my partner Dave, and making a movie with the class. Also I had fustrating moments like having to go to service learning when I didn't feel good, but thats the only time I didn't want to be in service learning. The only reason why I enjoyed service learning is because I had a teacher that I enjoy being around. Mr. Romero taught me alot of fun interesting facts about how to provide myself with information about getting resources and facts about NHD. Also I learned that when you have fun with activities such as filming documentries and etc. you learn more, and or it processes in teenage minds better.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Lennie’s Puppy
Lennie’s puppy is one of several symbols that represent the victory of the strong over the weak.
Lennie kills the puppy accidentally, as he has killed many mice before, by virtue of his failure to recognize his own strength.
Candy’s Dog

The farm that George constantly describes to Lennie, those few acres of land on which they will grow their own food and tend their own livestock, is one of the most powerful symbols in the book.
Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream, and even the cynical Crooks hopes that Lennie and George will let him live there too.

Candy’s dog represents anyone who has outlived his or her purpose. Candy’s attachment to the animal—his plea that Carlson let the dog live for no other reason than that Candy raised it from a puppy—means nothing at all on the ranch. Although Carlson promises to kill the dog painlessly, his insistence that the old animal must die supports a cruel natural law that the strong will dispose of the weak. Candy internalizes this lesson, for he fears that he himself is nearing an age when he will no longer be useful at the ranch, and therefore no longer welcom

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



What I learned from independent service is that when you give to your community to feel better about yourself and the people you helped. I also learned that you will get something back in return even when your not looking forward to your reward someone always notice your outstanding work or achievement.


The independent hours that I did was at the boat race with Ballard Spharr Law Office. I did 8 hours with that. Also I did service learning hours at Evolve Spa. The service learning hours that I did helped out my community by showing my peers my age kindness and generosity.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Service Learning Reflection APRIL 21- MAY 2

Mr. Romero group was successful because we finished our movie. Also we are doing another movie outside when it get warmer outside. Mr. Romero group is the perfect group to be in because you learn, have fun, and you will enjoy being around the environment with Mr. Romero and the group that he have.

The challenges that I had was filming the movie, but there is a good side to that because when you are finished the movie you will feel proud of yourself that you accomplished your goal.

The role that I will play is to act out the bad person that shows the worst student. Also I will write down all the things that will be done by the future students that repeat history. What I mean about that is that I am positive that the students will do what we did because the 9th graders did it.

my movie

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Idioms For Of Mice And Men

1.flapper- mouth
2.poking your big ears into our business-listening into our conversation.
3.picking scraps- provoking fights, starting arguements
4.poison- what we would today call a bad girl. like the song "poison"(that girl is poison)
5.rattrap- when your in a bad situation.
6.shove off- to leave
7.take the rap-taking the blame
8.get the can- t get fired
9.drink hearty- to drink well.
10.scrappy- aggressively

Service Learning Reflection 5/1/08

Last week for service learning with Mr.Romero we pretty much did the same thing as the week before. Also, I had written a e-mail to all staff saying about how we should extend service learning time to the way it was last year. I was trying to convince Mr. Romero to allow this and bring it up to the rest of the staff, by saying that we really don't have that much time to do what we have to do. Especially for groups who go outside of the building lke ours. We also, tried to finalize a schedule so that we could rotate between visiting the elderly and tutoring ESL students. Over all, last weeks service learning was very helpful because I got a better understanding as to what my group will be doing throughout the rest of this year.

Service Learning Reflection 4/17/08

Last Friday at our service learning group we discussed what we are planning to do since our group was kind of confused about what exactly we were doing. We decided that instead of teaching english we are just going to focus on spending time with elderly people in general. Also, we discussed where we could go and what we could talk about while we was there. We went threw how we would get there and the activities we could do towards the end of service learning.
Tommorrow I want to focus on actually getting started and figuring out where we can go and what we could do with them

Service Learning Reflection 4/25/08

Last Friday at service learning we talked about our future plans for what we can do on the upcomming weeks of serice learning. We decided on an alternating schedule between visting the elderly and tutoring the ESL people next door. We also assigned designated jobs to people, such as who takes the notes and who facilitates the conversation. I was rersponsible for taking notes on the smart board last week, I also helped facilitate the conversation. We had a good conversation about why we should do both tutoring and visiting elderly people, because at first we were just going to do one, but then we thought that it would be better if we did both.

Themes For Of Mice And Men

There were many themes in the story Of Mice and Men, but the theme that stood out to me the most was the theme of the fraternity of brotherhood. In this book they portray this so called fraternity of brotherhood as a group of men who come together and help each other. For example, they come together to get their work done, to kill Lennie, and to protect each other, and also to kill candy’s dog. But truthfully I think that this so called fraternity of brotherhood only exists in books and in movies, because I do not think that men can always get along like that.
In the beginning of the book, after Lennie and George first got to the farm the men united to get their work done. This showed when the men were all working together to help each other to get the work done faster and done right so that they can all get their fifty dollars at the end of the month and all keep their job.
The men or so called “fraternity of brother hood” also united to help protect Lennie from Curly when Curly was hitting Lennie because Curly thought that Lennie was laughing at him. But the real reason was to prove himself since Lennie was so big and Curly was so short and little. But then “the fraternity of brother hood” turned around and then united to kill Lennie, for the revenge of Curly’s wife. Even though not to long ago they tried to help him.
The final example of this brother hood was when they united to kill Candy’s dog. This was an example because they all agreed with Carlson when he wanted to kill the dog. Also, the brother hood all came together once Slim didn’t say no to shooting the dog.
In conclusion, I believe that his was the theme that stood out to me the most in this book, since you can see that there are flaws in this theme, and it is also kind of hypocritical. I also still believe that there is no fraternity of brother hood and the only place that it actually exists is on pages in books and on the screen in movie th

Motifs For Mice And Men

In the story Of Mice and Men, there were many motifs that stood out to me, but the one that stood out to me the most was the motif of honesty. Throughout the story there wasn’t that much honesty between the characters. So what was Steinbeck trying to tell us? Was he trying to say that nobody in this world is honest and that we all tell lies to get ahead of the person next to you, or was he trying to say that telling a lie hear and there won’t hurt you or nobody around you, or was he trying to tell us that we shouldn’t lie at all and that it will always backfire and something bad will always happen, or was he trying to go all the way back to the lessons we all learned about Lock and Hobb’s opinions on human nature and say that our human nature is naturally bad. Well truthfully I believe that he was trying to say that nobody in this world is ever completely honest and that we all tells lies hear and there, whether to help ourselves or to help the well being of others. In this book many people lie whether to help each other, to hurt each other or to protect each other, the persons behavior in this book is reflected in the lies they tell.
In the begging of the book the bus driver lies and tells Lennie and George that the farm was just a “stretch down the road” when it was actually a long way down the road. He did this not to help them but to help himself and also to hurt them. The bus driver didn’t drive them all the way to them farm because he was too lazy. But he actually helped them because if he would have never lied to them then Lennie would have never knew where to go and hide if something bad happened.
Also, crooks lies to Lennie in the middle of the book, bye telling him that George wasn’t coming back and that something bad happened to him. He did this to hurt Lennie and to feel better about himself. Instead of trying to befriend Lennie so that they both wouldn’t be lonely, he lies to make him unhappy, and so that he can take pleasure in his misery. If he would have never lied, they might have actually both been happy, but then again if the whole book had a happy beginning, middle and end who would want to read it?
In the end of the book, George lied to Lennie to help him, even though he ended up killing him, he wanted him to die with happy thoughts. He lied by telling him that they were going to get the farm and be happy, when in the end he ended up killing him, to protect him. So see George ended up lying to help and protect Lennie and even though what he did was wrong he was right by doing it.
So see there many people who lied in this story for numerous reasons, and I still believe that Steinbeck was trying to show that even though people lied in this story most of them lied for good reasons and for others happiness. I don’t believe that lying makes you a bad person, I think that why you lie is what makes you the bad person, because if you lie, just to lie and just for self interest then that shows who you really are.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Role I Will Play For My Service Learning Group

The role I will play for service learning is to stay with the group I was with, which was the "Paper Group". My partner and I will continue working on how to show the next generation that come to our school next year how to present a A+ paper. Also we will play out an act about why friends should'nt always work together. Also we will play out many other situations that may be an bad outcome.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008




During our meeting with Mr. Romero last Friday (4-10-08), we sat and brain-stormed about what our group would do. We also divided our group into four small groups of two or three people. The group that I was in talked about the negatives and positives for doing a paper on NHD. David is working on documentry with one other person, and there is about seven other people in our group working on different sections that we would do for NHD.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Empire of the sun is a movie about a young boy that was in an internment camp in the 1940's. The young boy name was Jamie. Jamie was kidnapped from his parents in China. Jamie survived in the camp because he was a survivor and he was determined to see his loving parents again. Jamie parents were rich.

The most emotional part of the film for me: Jim is looking through the fence at the Japanese airbase, the sun is setting, he is dreaming of flying in those incredible machines, pilots are smartly uniformed and decorated, offices passing drinks to the young pilots, superb music playing, Zeros ready to go, Jim salutes the Japanese heroes as they are flying out. What we know is that the war is lost for Japan and these pilots are surely on Kamikaze suicide missions. We feel great empathy for these fellow human beings despite the fact that they are the enemy.

In the 1940’s a young boy was held hostage in china by the Japanese army. As a young boy Jamie had a young adult mentality. He had survival skills. A man named Basie showed Jim a couple of survival skills himself. Basie was from England also. Basie was selfish but he showed Jim a few things about the wild life. Jamie AKA Jim got the name Jim from the Americans. Jim earned his respect from the Americans because he showed the Americans that they could trust him by seeing if there were any traps or bombs for an escape plan. He earned respect from some Japanese troopers because he learned how to speak and respect their Japanese ways. Jim was already English so he was already family to them.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Genetic Mutations (Breast Cancer)

Breast Cancer is an genetic mutation. Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply without control or order to form a tumor. The most common form of breast cancer begins in cells lining the ducts that carry milk to the nipple (ductal cancer). Other forms of breast cancer begin in the glands that produce milk (lobular cancer) or in other parts of the breast.
Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain and may exhibit no noticeable symptoms. As the cancer progresses, signs and symptoms can include a lump or thickening in or near the breast; a change in the size or shape of the breast; nipple discharge, tenderness, or retraction (turning inward); and skin irritation, dimpling, or scaliness. These changes can occur as part of many different conditions, however. Having one or more of these symptoms does not mean that a person definitely has breast cancer.
In some cases, cancerous tumors can invade surrounding tissue and spread to other parts of the body. If breast cancer spreads, cancerous cells most often appear in the bones, liver, lungs, or brain. Tumors that begin at one site and then spread to other areas of the body are called metastatic cancers.
A small percentage of all breast cancers cluster in families. Hereditary cancers are those associated with inherited gene mutations. Hereditary breast cancers tend to occur earlier in life than noninherited (sporadic) cases and are more likely to involve both breasts

A gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. Mutations range in size from a single DNA building block (DNA base) to a large segment of a chromosome.
Gene mutations occur in two ways: they can be inherited from a parent or acquired during a person’s lifetime. Mutations that are passed from parent to child are called hereditary mutations or germline mutations (because they are present in the egg and sperm cells, which are also called germ cells). This type of mutation is present throughout a person’s life in virtually every cell in the body.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.





  • Middle and high school students who engaged in quality service-learning programs showed increases in measures of personal and social responsibility, communication and sense of educational competence (Weiler, et. al., 1998).
  • Students who engaged in service-learning ranked responsibility as a more important value and reported a higher sense of responsibility to their school than comparison groups (Leming, 1998).
  • Students perceive themselves to be more socially competent after engaging in service-learning.
  • Students who engaged in service-learning are more likely to treat each other kindly, help each other and care about doing their best.
  • Students who engaged in service-learning are more likely to increase their sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  • Middle school male students reported increased self-esteem and fewer behavioral problems after engaging in service-learning (Switzer, et. al., 1995).

What Im Doing For Service Learning...

I'm continuing what I did last year for service learning. I'm going to my old school to help out with the students. Also i will help out with the athletics department at my old elementary school.

oooooppppssss he got caught...

Prostitution And Sexual Offenses

Sex Offenses - An Overview

Sex offenses include a myriad of criminal sexual behaviors, ranging from prostitution to rape. If you or someone you know has been charged with committing a sex offense, it is very important to contact a criminal defense attorney to obtain the legal representation. The penalties for a sex offense conviction can be serious and life-changing, but many defenses are available. Contacting an attorney as soon as possible allows the evidence to be evaluated and witnesses to be questioned soon after the event, providing the best opportunity for a successful defense. A criminal defense attorney has the experience and skill to begin preparing your defense as soon as retained.

What Is A Sex Offense?

Sex offenses include all forms of illegal sexual activity, ranging from the crime of rape, usually defined as sexual penetration without consent, to the crime of prostitution, usually defined as sex for hire. The most serious crimes involve the sexual assault of children or include physical injury. Other sex offenses include public indecency, voyeurism, prostitution, solicitation, pornography, date rape, lewd acts, pandering, pimping, statutory rape and unlawful sodomy.

Generally, sexual assault includes unwanted physical contact with a sexual organ. In some states, the laws also prohibit aggressive sexually suggestive statements, without requiring physical contact. Physical contact is considered unwanted if the victim refused, physically objected or was unable to give legal consent. It is not necessary to show that the accuser physically resisted. Current laws are usually gender-neutral, so they protect all sexual assault victims. If you are accused of a sex offense, it is crucial that you seek the services of a defense attorney experienced in defending such crimes.

Misdemeanor or Felony?

Most sexual abuse and sexual assault crimes are felonies. Lesser offenses, such as public indecency are often misdemeanors. The decision whether to charge a person with a misdemeanor or felony rests with the prosecutor. A criminal defense attorney, if contacted early enough during the investigation, may be able to minimize the charges that you face. Each state's statutes provide for different crimes, definitions, punishments and guidelines. A criminal defense attorney well versed in the laws of your state can help you evaluate your situation and prepare your defense.

Prosecution and Defenses

Many sex offense acts have no witnesses, so prosecutorial decisions are made on the strength of other evidence and on the credibility of the parties. Because of the nature of the crime, false accusations can occur, and it can be difficult to defend against such charges. If you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with a sex offense, the most important call you can make will be to your criminal defense lawyer so he or she can begin investigating your case and defending your rights as soon as possible. Conviction of a sex offense can bring severe penalties and change your life forever. Prison is only part of the equation - you may also lose parental rights and be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. An aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney will help you obtain the best possible results under the law and facts of your case and may be able to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

The prosecutor must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant committed a sex offense. The available defenses vary greatly from crime to crime, but may include consent, insufficient evidence, innocence and other defenses. In many cases, mitigating circumstances may reduce or negate your criminal culpability. A criminal defense attorney can ensure that the prosecutor has not ignored evidence that is in your favor. Your defense attorney will consider gathering evidence to support your defenses, possibly including a psychological evaluation, evidence showing the victim has a motive not to tell the truth or a history of not telling the truth, evidence of the victim's mental state or tendency to fantasize or to form false memories, supporting medical evidence and opinions and other evidence showing that you are innocent or committed only a lesser included offense. Therefore, you must contact a criminal defense attorney to begin the defensive investigation as soon as possible.


Being charged with a sex offense can lead to serious consequences, including jail time, probation, parole, significant fines, registration requirements, loss of the right to vote or own a weapon and being shunned by society. If you are accused of a sex offense, you should speak to an attorney immediately to learn more about your rights, your defenses and the legal system. If you are facing sexual offense charges, you need the aggressive defense that an experienced defense attorney will provide.

The Market for Street Prostitutes in Chicago

One of the most intriguing papers in New Orleans was preliminary work by celebrity economist Steve Levitt of the University of Chicago and sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh of Columbia University.
Venkatesh, who is no stranger to investigations of underground economies, hired former street prostitutes in the south side of Chicago to act as pollsters. The women stood on corners in three neighborhoods (Roseland, Pullman and Washington Park) and collected data from over 100 prostitutes on 2,000 transactions. The numbers confirm the view that the life of a street prostitute is far from easy. The women were beaten up by their clients once a month on average and the sex acts requested by these clients were often "mind boggling," Levitt said.

"The availability of premarital sex has largely crowded out standard garden variety prostitution," Levitt told the packed room. "What's left is a lot of stuff that the market of wives and girlfriends won't easily provide."

How things have changed. In the 1930-40's, some 50 percent of men lost their virginity to prostitutes, but to have a first sexual experience with a prostitute these days is a rarity. Using data from the Chicago police department, the researchers showed that prostitution arrests -- mostly the men seeking out sex -- happen in just 0.3 percent of all city blocks, meaning that the market for street prostitution is highly concentrated compared with other types of crime in the city. (The police department in Chicago posts mug shots of those arrested here.) But we also learn that the police aren't much interested in arresting prostitutes.

"If you're a prostitute in our data, you're more likely to have sex with an off-duty police officer than to be arrested by an off-duty police officer," Levitt said. In the neighborhood of Pullman, there was only one arrest made during the time Levitt and Venka collected data nearby Roseland had many more. What was the difference between the two neighborhoods? Pullman prostitutes tended to have pimps while Roseland prostitutes flew solo.

Pimps, it turns out, did a good job of directing customers to prostitutes and paid the women better wages. In fact, women in the survey who found out that the researchers had pimp connections asked to be put in touch with the pimps. Prostitutes in the study worked 11 to 12 hours a week and made between $25- to $35-an-hour compared with an average of $7-an-hour for other types income opportunities. (In contrast, Levitt said a female friend stopped working as a computer scientist and is now a high-priced call girl making well over $100,000 per year.)

Safe sex wasn't on the minds of prostitutes in this "bottom of the barrel" market, Levitt said, as condoms were used in only five percent of all transactions. And about 5 percent of all tricks were freebies given to police officers or gang members. The supply of prostitutes was also quite fluid.

During warm weather holidays, Washington Park attracts a number of family reunions which had the curious side effect of driving up demand for prostitutes. Still, Levitt and Venkatesh found that the price of tricks didn't rise in response. As might be expected, prostitutes from other neighborhoods flowed into the area to soak up demand. But more surprisingly, women who didn't typically turn tricks also found the holidays a good time to make some extra money -- it seems that the stigma attached with prostitution is less pronounced in these areas.

The prostitutes in the study also practiced some ethnic price discrimination. If the customer was black (as were all the prostitutes in the study), the women would make the first price quote. But white customers where asked to name the first price in the hopes that the amount would be much higher than the typical transaction. Repeat customers who were black also paid a lot less than average, but that wasn't the case for whites. Levitt and Venkatesh's full results will be featured in the upcoming sequel to Freakonomics.


1.Knowledge - What happened when Jack and Bigger left the pool room?
-When they left the pool room they went to tehe movie theatre.

2. Comprehension - What differences exist between Bigger and Buddy?
-Bigger is the son that does not listen to his mother, he is also the man of his house. Buddy is the obedient son. He cares about his family.

3. Application - What factor cold have possibliy changed if Bigger was th eone found in the fire place?
-The incident wouldn't have made it to the press because he was blacka nd he already had a record.

4. Analysis - What were some of the motives behind Bigger starting a fight with us?
-Bigger was scared of robbing Old Blum's and Gus wasn't sure the he wanted to rob him so they started fighting.

5. Synthesis - Can you see a possible solution to Bigger scaring his sister with the rat?
-There could have been more possible solutions for Bigger when he killed the rat. He could of just tookthe rat to the trash like his mother asked him. Being the disobedient son instead of listening to his mother he scared his sister.

6 Evaluation - How would you have handled the situation when Mary told you that she wasn't going to the university?
-If I was the driver and she told me she was going to meet a friend and she wasn't going to the university I would of drove her where she wanted to go. Even though by doing that I could of got in trouble by her parents I wouldn't of cared. If I would of got in trouble I would of just took the blame because I know her parents wouldn't of believed me. Since I was black I could of lost my job and her parents wold of believed her because they think she is a good girl.


Chapter 3 starts on page 22 when Bigger and Gus enters the poolroom. The chapter ends on page 29 when they leave the poolroom, this chapter should be called “THE PLAN”. Gus and Bigger go to Doc’s pool hall to meet their friends Jack and G. H. Bigger asks them to join a game for which Gus is paying, and they all laugh. Bigger laughs along, but because he is broke he worries that the joke is on him. He brings up the plan to rob Mr. Blum and accuses his friends of being too fearful to carry out the plan. Jack and G. H. agree to do the job, but Gus keeps quiet. Bigger accuses Gus of being afraid to rob a white man and hates Gus for that fear. Inside, however, Bigger feels this fear himself. Gus remains silent until Bigger snaps, shouting and swearing at Gus. Gus blames Bigger’s bad temper for causing most of the gang’s troubles and accuses Bigger of being afraid himself. Bigger becomes furious and threatens to hit Gus. Finally, Gus agrees to the plan to rob Blum. While Bigger struggles to control his impulse to fight Gus, the four agree to meet at Doc’s at three o’clock to carry out the robbery. G. H. takes Gus away from the pool hall.


Chapter 2 starts after he slams the door on page 12, and the chapter should end on page 15. The chapter should be called “FLY LIKE A BIRD”. The chapter should be called “FLY LIKE A BIRD” because Bigger feel as though he should kill himself or someone else or rob people. And when people fell that why they feel as though they should fly away to a better place. Bigger and his friends have a plan to rob a deli owned by a white man named Mr. Blum. The gang did other robberies, but never one against a white man, partly because Bigger knows that white policemen are largely unconcerned with black-on-black crimes. Robbing a white man would mean entering new territory, “a symbolic challenge” to white rule.
Bigger’s friend Gus meets him on the street and they watch an airplane write out an advertisement in white smoke. Bigger states that he could fly a plane if he were given the chance. Gus agrees that Bigger could, but only if he had some money and were not black. Bigger complains that whites will not let blacks do anything, and he feels as though he is living in prison.
Gus and Bigger play out being white. Gus and Bigger act out a skit in which the president wants to keep the “niggers” under control. After the acting, Bigger tells Gus that something bad is going to happen to him. Gus agrees when Bigger says that he can feel the presence of whites inside himself. Whenever he thinks of white people, he has the sensation that a fire is burning in his stomach and feels that he might do something uncontrollable.


The first chapter ends when bigger slams the door on page 12. The chapter should be called “TRAUMA”. Bigger hates his family because of their poverty and suffering and because he feels there is nothing he can do to help them. He believes that he cannot afford to let himself feel their shame and misery too strongly without also feeling the urge to kill himself or someone else. He has cultivated a façade of outer toughness to protect himself from the unbearable pressure he feels as a result of his family’s social position.
Bigger’s mother sings a spiritual while preparing breakfast—a song that annoys Bigger. She begins to prod Bigger about a job he has been offered with a man named Mr. Dalton. She tells him that if he takes the job, the family will be able to move to a nicer apartment. If he does not, he will lose his relief money and the family will starve. Resentment builds in Bigger, as he feels that his family is tricking him into giving up. Frustrated by his narrow range of choices, he storms out of the room and into the building’s vestibule, where he broods while watching the traffic through the window. And that’s where the chapter ends.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My opinion on service learning is that we should continue on our old projects from last year. The reason why we should continue from last year is because if we keep changing the project the project will never get completed. The groups should be doubled into six groups because my opinion is that with fewer groups it will be less complicated. Also if the mural project doesn’t go well because the owner for the building don’t approve for the mural to be built on the school wall we should change that plan right now because it is a 50/50 chance that we won’t be able to do that project. Also if they keep changing the project, what will we, as the class of 2010 has to show?


This year NHD went by very fast to me. The reason why I said that this year NHD went by so fast is because I worked with a group and I feel as though I could have done more to the project. It was really stressful this year because you had to think about your group members and how you were going to affect them if you didn’t put an input to the project. Also you had to worry about if they did they’re work.


Last year NHD was much easier because I worked by myself. Also I did a paper on a different topic that I knew a lot more information on, which was Cuban immigration. I really had fun last year working by myself because I got a lot more work done. I got more work done faster last year because I work better independently. Also I had an instructor that lead me down the road to success on my paper by giving me advice every time I needed it. That teacher was Mr. Romero. Mr. Romero showed me how to write the paper how it was suppose to be done. So my next step on the NHD process is to do a paper next year. The reason why I am going to do a paper next year is because like I stated before is because I work better independently.



The National History Day project was totally different this year. The reason why my project was different is because I did a paper last year by myself, and this year I did a board which was done by a group. I worked with ninth graders and tenth graders which they had a little bit of confrontation with each other. The good advantage that I had this year with NHD was that I learned that it is a little more stressful to work with a group in general, weather if it is with ninth or tenth graders.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008


Silly Putty History

James Wright, an engineer at General Electric's New Haven laboratory, invented silly putty in 1943 when he accidentally dropped boric acid into silicone oil. Dr. Earl Warrick, of the Dow Corning Corporation, also developed a bouncing silicone putty in 1943. Both GE and Dow Corning were trying to make an inexpensive synthetic rubber to support the war effort. The material resulting from the mixture of boric acid and silicone stretched and bounced farther than rubber, even at extreme temperatures. As an added bonus, the putty copied newspaper or comic-book print.

How Silly Putty Works

Silly Putty is a viscoelastic liquid. It acts primarily as a viscous liquid, it can also have properties of an elastic solid, too. Silly Putty is primarily polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). There are covalent bonds within the polymer, but hydrogen bonds between the molecules. The hydrogen bonds can be readily broken. When small amounts of stress are slowly applied to the putty, only a few of the bonds are broken. Under these condition, the putty flows. When more stress is applied quickly, many bonds are broken, causing the putty to tear.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


1. Where was the most dangerous place in L.A during the L.A riots?

2. Who were the people who played major roles during the L.A riots?

3. How long did the riots last?

4. What was the crime rate in L.A during the L.A riots?

5. Did the crime rate increase or decrease after the riots?

6. What race was majority of the crimes done by?

7. What and who caused the riots?

8. How old was you when the acts of the riots going on?

9. Was blacks getting harassed even if they were high working class people?

10. Was the gangs less violent or more effective on the riots?

Monday, January 7, 2008



Well I think intelligent design should be taught in public schools. The reason why I think it should be taught in public schools is because when you have faith in something you will stick to what you believe in. When they teach intelligent design in schools, they can tell you that you don’t have to believe in God but that intelligent design is a way of life that people and or some scientist figured out that there is a creator or one who had a plan for being on earth.

The idea that an organism’s complexity is evidence for the existence of a cosmic designer was advanced centuries before Charles Darwin was born. Its best-known exponent was English theologian William Paley, creator of the famous watchmaker analogy. If we find a pocket watch in a field, Paley wrote in 1802, we immediately infer that it was produced not by natural processes acting blindly but by a designing human intellect. Likewise, he reasoned, the natural world contains abundant evidence of a supernatural creator. The argument from design, as it is known, prevailed as an explanation of the natural world until the publication of the Origin of Species in 1859. The weight of the evidence that Darwin had patiently gathered swiftly convinced scientists that evolution by natural selection better explained life’s complexity and diversity. “I cannot possibly believe,” wrote Darwin in 1868, “that a false theory would explain so many classes of facts.”

If they can teach the theory of evolution, and it is still not a known fact that we were apes or monkeys and scientist are not sure that we were monkeys and etc… We should be able to learn about Intelligent Design because we as students need to be aware of what is going on and know our history about science.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Geometry Project-Koch

NHD Topic Essay

My topic is on the Los Angeles riots. My topic took place in Los Angeles California in South Central. It all started in 1992. The famous Rodney King was beaten severely by L.A cops. Mostly African Americans and Hispanics were harassed by cops because of their race. A lot of people were stealing from stores and etc… They figured they wouldn’t get caught because of all of the commotion that was going on.

I chose this topic because it seemed so fascinated to learn about. This topic grabbed my attention because I seen a movie about the L.A riots, which I really enjoyed and had entrance in. In numerous occasions of rioting, arson, and looting were taking place at the time of the riots in L.A. Live helicopter news reports showed the air over several neighborhoods appeared to be filled with smoke. Los Angeles Fire Department officials report that as many as nine (9) large stores are burning, and that numerous cars have been "torched" in an attempt to block intersections. That is what I seen in the movie. Also the movie was based on a true story. So I figured why not do a NHD project that I will really enjoy and have a little bit of knowledge about already.

I want to learn more about the L.A riots. I want to know if there were any court cases other than Rodney King, where cops got arrested or charged with any accounts. I also want to know if any large gangs or organized groups got busted.

The L.A riots connect to this year’s theme “Conflict and Compromise” because the conflict was that cops were taking advantage of certain people. People was robbing and stealing from stores. The compromise was that it all ended slowly but surely.


Los Angeles, CA - Following a jury verdict which acquitted four L.A.P.D. officers of charges resulting from the video- taped beating of motorist Rodney King, Southcentral Los Angeles erupted in a violent and deadly outburst of arson and shooting. Local police and emergency medical services officials report the deaths of as many as nine (9) people and injuries to another 138.

As the sun rose over Los Angeles, more than forty (40) major fires still burned out of control. They were part of an estimated 140 fires that were set in the Southeast and Southcentral parts of the city. During the night, firefighters and paramedics were hardpressed to keep up with the requests for emergency response to more than 140 fires. Reportedly, they came under sniper fire on several occasions, from rooftops surrounding the fire scenes. One Los Angeles firefighter is reported in stable, but serious, condition at an area hospital following his being shot in the face while fighting a blaze.

According to a police spokesman at least five (5) people have been shot by police and one was killed in a gun-battle in the city's Inglewood area. A spokesperson for the Daniel Freeman Hospital says that they have treated at least fifty (50) citizens with "riot-related" injuries. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) officers say that all available city ambulances are "on calls" and that mutual aid from Los Angeles County and Orange County has been requested. At least 192 people are reported to have been taken to various hospitals in the L.A. metropolitan area.
