Monday, March 3, 2008


Chapter 2 starts after he slams the door on page 12, and the chapter should end on page 15. The chapter should be called “FLY LIKE A BIRD”. The chapter should be called “FLY LIKE A BIRD” because Bigger feel as though he should kill himself or someone else or rob people. And when people fell that why they feel as though they should fly away to a better place. Bigger and his friends have a plan to rob a deli owned by a white man named Mr. Blum. The gang did other robberies, but never one against a white man, partly because Bigger knows that white policemen are largely unconcerned with black-on-black crimes. Robbing a white man would mean entering new territory, “a symbolic challenge” to white rule.
Bigger’s friend Gus meets him on the street and they watch an airplane write out an advertisement in white smoke. Bigger states that he could fly a plane if he were given the chance. Gus agrees that Bigger could, but only if he had some money and were not black. Bigger complains that whites will not let blacks do anything, and he feels as though he is living in prison.
Gus and Bigger play out being white. Gus and Bigger act out a skit in which the president wants to keep the “niggers” under control. After the acting, Bigger tells Gus that something bad is going to happen to him. Gus agrees when Bigger says that he can feel the presence of whites inside himself. Whenever he thinks of white people, he has the sensation that a fire is burning in his stomach and feels that he might do something uncontrollable.

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